Start by downloading the Enrollment Application:

General Information

We enroll children from the ages of two and a half through five. Your child may attend five days a week, or Tuesday/Thursdays or Monday/Wednesday/Fridays. Children under the age of three may attend on Tuesday/Thursday mornings only, though we may make exceptions on a case-by-case basis.   

Our school is in session weekday mornings from 9 a.m. until 12 p.m. Currently, we do not offer an after-school program. The school year starts in September and ends in June and is divided into two semesters. Our calendar is loosely based on the Ithaca City School District and our school breaks are similar to those in the District.

Tuition and Fees

We charge a nonrefundable $30 application fee, plus a non-refundable deposit equal to one month’s tuition. Parents commit to pay tuition for the full semester, unless their child withdraws during the two-week grace period. Tuition is paid in monthly installments, on the first day of each month. Tuition for 2022 -2023 will be:

2 days a week – $165/month

3 days a week – $240/month

5 days a week – $400/month

In addition to our tuition and fees, parents are required to assist the teacher in the classroom on a regular schedule, attend a monthly evening meeting, and take part in the work of maintaining our cooperative and school.

Health and Safety during COVID-19


Please download the EIP Application and return — our registrar will be in touch with you shortly!

 What Our Parents Are Saying.

    Here what our EIP families have to say!

“EIP is that preschool you imagine your kids should go to…  There are finger-painted pictures on the walls, images of the kids everywhere, puppet shows, tiny chairs, and an abounding sense of joy and play.  Our family has sent two children to EIP, and in another year, will send our third.  It’s a tremendous experience and community. "


“EIP has been so much more than “just” a preschool for our family. In addition to the phenomenal experience our two children receive being in the loving, dynamic, and enriching classroom Mrs. Foote creates, we have found a real community of families we enjoy. We love the plethora of opportunities to be hands-on in the classroom and involved in the workings of this awesome organization.”


“Having a significant stake in our children’s first school experience has been a wonderful way for our whole family to grow from the two-and-a-half-year old Tuesday/Thursday class to Kindergarten next year! And the relationships we have developed within the phenomenal EIP family will endure.”


"EIP has been fabulous for our family. Mrs. Foote goes above and beyond for every student – making every day a truly remarkable experience. My son loves attending, its affordable and we absolutely adore the community of families." 


"EIP has become such an important part of our child’s world. The school is warm and inviting. Mrs. Foote goes above and beyond for all the kids and works hard to make fun and creative projects each and every month. Mrs. Foote treats each and every child as a precious individual and makes each child feel important. We are blessed to have our child in her class."


"For us, it has not been just a school but a family experience. We really feel like we gained a whole community, one that will last long after preschool is over for us. The cooperative model allowed us to really get to know the teachers and families. We know what the school day is like for our kid AND we hear hilarious stories about her from other parents; something we would not have at a different school. We could not have asked for a better experience and we will miss it when our kid goes to kindergarten." 


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